Wednesday, January 18, 2006


I’d like to mention two of my favorite bloggers, both of whom happen to be special educators (ABA consultants and teachers). Stopping by their sites has become a nightly habit for me.

I’m sure I’ve said it before, but I just need to say again. Every parent of an autistic child, every special-ed teacher (every teacher for that matter), every school therapist, every principle, every district special-ed coordinator, and particularly every school superintendent, should read Tina Giovanni’s blog, now retitled Autism: The Epidemic of Denial. Tina writes passionately about her work with students on the spectrum and the frustrations of having to deal with school administrations that just don’t “get it.” Recently, Tina has been telling the story of one of her students, who she calls “Cody,” that is almost a textbook on how to involve the people around a student to create a learning environment.

SquareGirl is a more recent -- and most welcome – addition to the bloggosphere. Her posts are somewhat less episodic than Tina’s, and she covers a lot of ground in addition to autism and education. When she tells of her experiences with her students, it is clear to see that she brings the same creativity, humor, and love to her career that she brings to her writing. Read her latest post in which she wisely speaks of what she learns from her students.

Both of these teachers understand that there is no one formula that works for every autistic child; each student requires an individual approach. And both of these teachers fight for our children. It is a special love that motivates someone to fight for another person’s child. Thanks Tina and SquareGirl.


Blogger Doug The Una said...

Square Girl actually recommended this site to me. I'm certain she didn't know she'd be a topic. This is my first time here and it looks very measured, thoughtful and well-written. Thank you for doing this.

1/18/06, 4:47 PM  
Blogger Alana said...

Thank you Wade. Your site has been a source of inspiration.

1/19/06, 1:22 AM  

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